Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Entry #13 x-tra credit

Creamy vegetable soup

Personally, I love creamy stuff and I decided to cook a creamy vegetable soup for this assignment. Since my family members don't like any creamy thing, I asked my best friends to try the soup that I was going to make and I actually done the cooking in their small kitchen.
We met each other after school and did the shopping together in the Stop&Shop that's only about three minutes from our houses(We live two blocks away from each other)
I didn't have a shopping plan so I was buying ingredients that I used to put in my vegetable soup.

Corns are the first vegetable that we add to our shopping basket because they attracted me when we first walked in, they were unpeeled and looked so fresh!

Every thing looked fresh here! We took two potatoes, a box of white mushroom and a box of the brown one, a small bag of carrots, a box of tofu, a bag of celery and finally the half-half cream. 

Time to go home and cook!
Ingredients: two potatoes,two corns,three pieces of celery, 2 boxes of different kinds of mushrooms, 1 bowel of carrot, 1 box of tofu and half-half cream.

Here we go, a group picture of all ingredients.

Step 1. Wash all the vegetables and cut them into smaller pieces. Also, diced the tofu.

Step 2. Prepare a stockpot and turn on the fire, add some vegetable oil to it when the stockpot gets hot.

Step 3. Add 1/3 of each vegetable to the pot and fry the vegetable for about a minute.

Step 4. Add all the remaining vegetable and tofu. Then, add about five cups of water and 1/2 teaspoon of salt to make the soup taste better.

Step 5. Add 1 cup(1/4 pin) of half-half cream when the soup boils. Continue on large fire and cook for 15 minutes.

When I think I almost finished with my soup, my friend silently took a plate of corn from the dining table. Without saying a word, they all know what I have done. However, I just added the corn to the soup that was nearly ready to serve.

While I was waiting the corn to get ready, my friends were playing games on their phones or "pads", and this made me feel alone~~~

Finally, the corn is ready! 
It's time for soup!
I purchased all the ingredients with $15, and there are may carrots and celery left for other purposes. Also, there are lot of soup left over in the stockpot so they are eating the soup tomorrow for their breakfast, lunch and dinner as well(Just Kidding).

Entry# 12 Reflection essay

JingJing Lin
Professor Jason Smith
10 June 2014
Reflection essay

            Through working on the assignments of this class, I have gained lots of useful information about healthy food. And, it changes my mind of the consideration of healthy food. Honestly, I am eating less and less meat and dairy products as the class processes but I am very far away from becoming a vegetarian. However, to consume less meat and dairy products doesn’t mean that they are not healthy, it just that the animals are suffering and paying too much to feed human beings and keep human beings healthy.
            A major problem of all my writings (including the writings from other classes) is the grammar issue since only I took one English class which mainly focuses on basic grammars when I first came to this country. Many professors have pointed out this problem and I totally accept it and I know it’s my weakest part of being a writer and a researcher. For this reason, I am doing grammar practices online and reading magazine and some short stories to try to improve my grammar and vocabulary. Personally, I love reading articles in Chinese but never in English. Now I force myself to read in English because I know I need to improve my grammar for all other classes that I am going to take in the future. I didn’t have a future plan for now, but I hope I would get less change to write essays during my future career. Finally, I want to say that this class is very helpful because I have learned a lot from it and I am getting few new friends from this class!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Entry #11 Research Paper ( 2nd Draft 1st hand in)

JingJing Lin
Professor Jason Smith
21 May 2014
Impact of Factory Farming
            Being a human instinct, people keep the dog, the cat and other cute meek animals to be their pets; raise the rare and protected ones in the zoo to make sure they do not extinct or die out. Moreover, have you ever thought of how the factory farmed livestock and poultry that we get meat and dairy from are being treated during their short lives? Can you imagine the working conditions of workers who work with those animals every day? Factory farming is a high profit farming method which raise and keep a high density of livestock and poultry in narrow spaces that can merely keep them alive but can still produce a large amount of products. Meanwhile, the animals are also producing a great amount of manure that is going to be transferred to manure lagoons without doing any appropriate treatment. Factory farmed livestock and poultry desire better living environment and humane treatment, since the intensive and confined farming method is generating a huge amount of untreated manure which can cause serious impacts on aquatic environment and human community. While the factory farms are generating a massive amount of manure each and every day, manure in the lagoon is stored up and directly exposed to the environment. Additionally, the manure is not simply manure because in the manure, there are unspecific amount of different plant nutrients, pathogens, growth hormones, antibiotics, chemical additives, animal blood, silage leachate and copper sulfate, and etc(Hribar).  Once the manure that composes of various components exposes to the waterways and the air it will ultimately cause serious and harmful impacts on aquatic ecosystem and our community.
The density of animals in factory farms should be lowered down because the tons of waste that the concentrated environments produce are containing chemicals that would threaten the quality of groundwater and surface water. Some of the chemicals that the manure contains are ammonia, nitrate and phosphorus. Ammonia is a chemical that would take way oxygen in the water once it is leaked to surface water sources such as rivers, lakes and water steams. Also, having a large amount of phosphorus in water would cause an excessive growth of aquatic plants like weed and algae, which are also going to use up the oxygen in the water. As a result of not having enough oxygen in water, the fish that live in the water may die out and the aquatic ecosystem would be destroyed (Hribar). According to a data from nrdc.org, a hog farm in Illinois spilled about 200,000 gallons of untreated animal manure into a creek at the year of 2011. The spilling results in killing of over 110,000 fish in the creek ("Facts about Pollution from Livestock Farms."). From the data, we can clearly see the level of impact that the animal manure have on human beings and aquatic lives and we must realize the importance of changing a farming method within factory farms.
In addition to ammonia and phosphorus, the presence of nitrate in the manure is risking the health of local communities. The reason is that nitrate is very soluble in water which it can easily penetrate through the soil and then goes into the ground water that local people used to drink. Drinking water that contains a high level of nitrate will decrease the ability of red blood cell to carry oxygen among human body. This would lead to nitrate poisoning which may cause methemoglobinemia, spontaneous abortion in woman and increasing the risk for getting cancer (Hribar). Methemoglobinemia is a blood disorder that occurs when red blood cells are unable to convey a proper amount of oxygen to body organs (“Metheoblobinemia”). The major group of people who have methemoglobinemia are infants under six moth old and one symptom of the blood disorder is having blue skin, so an alternative name for methemoglobinemia is called “blue baby syndrome”. The blood disorder may cause death of infants and even adults (Hribar). Since the chemical additives are having serious impacts on human and aquatic lives, the factory farms should increase the living condition of their animals in order to decrease the amount of manure produced and therefore to protect aquatic lives and ourselves.
 The factory farms must stop using their current method or techniques to generate products because the confined feeding environment may cause various health issues among factory farm workers. While the senior staffs of the factory farm are making money out of the products that the animals produce, the bottom staffs are here working with the animals in the confined environment and taking a risk of inhaling harmful chemicals and pathogens that spread from animal manure. Factory farm workers are victims of factory farming since they are the group of people who work the closest to the animal and are the ones who actually showing the respiratory symptoms from inhaling particulate matters (Hribar). The particulate matters come from feed, animal dander/leather, and dry manure etc. A data from sustainabletable.org indicates that 97% of farm workers have suffered from either chronic or acute bronchitis during a period of time while they are working at the farm (“Workers.”). To lower the percentage of workers who are impacted by the animal manure, the factory farms should provide larger living space for their animals limit the amount of manure produced and decrease the risk of exposing their workers under the harmful chemicals and pathogens.                
Surprisingly, animal manure from factory farms has a potential to contain over 150 pathogens that would tend to have impact on human health. Several common pathogens that exist in manure are Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and cryptosporidium. Some of the pathogens can even survive in water up to one year. Once any of these pathogens escape from manure lagoons to drinking water and then goes into a human body, it would cause severe diarrhea, fever and other fever-like symptoms. However, it may cause death on young kids and adults who are having weak immune systems (Hribar). A recorded data illustrates an example of cryptosporidium outbreak that happened during April, 1993 in Minnesota. 400,000 people were having diarrhea and showing fever –like symptoms. Sadly, 100 people with weak immune systems were killed by cryptosporidium. However, people later found out that a possible source of the pathogen outbreak is animal manure (“Cryptosporidium”). Besides this, there was a recall of Ready-to-eat salads in 2013. About 181,620 lbs of salad were being recalled after 33 people were infected in four different states. And scarily, all the samples that The California Department of Public Health collected from Atherstone were shown to be negative for E. coli O157:H7 test. However, later people checked out that near the vegetable field, there are two cattle operations ("Lettuce: FDA Investigation Summary - Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Illnesses Linked to Ready-to-Eat Salads."). This means there is a great possibility for the cattle operation to be the origin of the pathogen E. coli O157:H7. The farmer may used the E. coli O157:H7 containing manure as a fertilizer to fertilize the vegetable field or the manure may leak from the manure lagoon to goes into either groundwater or surface and later reaches the farmland and caused the E. coli O157: H7 outbreak. The best way to protect our lives from the pathogens is to provide a larger living environment to the factory farmed animals in order to decrease the density of animal and to decrease the amount of animal manure.
Another way for animal manure to disturb human community is through the air. Manure from manure lagoons decreases and pollutes the local air quality by the emission of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane and particulate matters (Hribar). The two chemicals that really bother the local residents and bring discomfort to them are ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, because these two chemicals are having unpleasant orders. The stench odors often restrict the outdoor activities of the local residents and made it hard for them to open their windows for exchanging fresh air. In short, the unpleasant odors created by the factory farms declined the living quality of local residents. In consideration of local residents’ welfare, factory farms should limit the manure that their farms are producing by reducing the number of animals in the farm.
There are many more details can be told, however, it is more important to have an actual action than just keep and keep talking and analyzing about animal manure. Please think back and find out the root cause for the existence of factory farms. Why there are factory farms existing? And why they are still running while they are polluting the air, ground water, and surface water. They are indirectly murdering aquatic lives and even human lives! When in fact, there is only one action that ordinary people could do to reduce the impact of factory farms on aquatic ecosystem and human community, which is to get away of the meat and dairy products that is made by the factory farms. And, this requires us to read labels on food carefully and correctly when purchasing food on supermarkets. First of all, we have to make sure if the label is certified or approved, since the non-certified labels are not so reliable and they may mislead us when we are deciding what to buy for food. The names on some common certified and approved labels are “USDA Organic”, “Animal Welfare Approved”, “Certified Naturally Grown”, “Fair Trade”, “American Humane Certified”, “Non-GMO Project Verified” and “Grassfed” ("Food Labeling: Organic, Fair Trade, Natural and More Explained."). It is beneficial for us to look up the labels when buy food, thus we know what are we eating. Meanwhile, we are also protecting ourselves and the environment to from being attached by the exceeding amount of animal manure.
In order to reduce the production of animal manure, factory farms should stop using their current farming method and increase the living space for the animals. So that the density of animals will be lowered and less manure will be produced. To help the poor animals out, we must stop buying products that came from factory farms. Instead, we can buy products with certified labels, buy meat products that from local farms and/or just simply eat less meat. Overall, the principal cause of the series of pollution and pathogen outbreaks is simply treating farmed animals inhumanely in confined spaces, what we can do is to help them out and help ourselves out.

Works Cited
"Cryptosporidium." health.state.mn.us. Minnesota Department of Health, n.d. Web. 22 May
"Facts about Pollution from Livestock Farms." nrdc.org. Natural Resources  Defense Council,
n.d. Web. 22 May 2014.
"Food Labeling: Organic, Fair Trade, Natural and More Explained." farmaid.org. FarmAid, n.d.
Web. 22 May 2014.
Hribar, Carrie. "Understanding Concentrated environmental health Animal Feeding Operations
and Their Impact on Communities." cdc.gov. National Association of Local Boards of
Health, n.d. Web. 22 May 2014.
"Lettuce: FDA Investigation Summary - Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Illnesses
Linked to Ready-to-Eat Salads." fda.gov. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 11 Dec.
2013. Web. 22 May 2014.
"Methemoglobinemia." nlm.nih.gov. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 22 May 2014.
"Workers." sustainabletable.org. GRACE Communications Foundation, n.d. Web. 22 May 2014. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Entry #10 Outline in sentences


1.       Hook: Have you ever think of how the livestock and poultry that we get meat and dairy from are being treated during their short lives? Can you imagine the working conditions of workers who work with those animals every day?
2.    Definition of Issue or Problem:
3.    Claim or Call to Action: Livestock and poultry that are raised in the factory farms desire better environment and humane treatment, since the poor living condition and inhumane treatment of these animals would ultimately lead to the use of antibiotics and affect the health of the farm workers.

Body Paragraph
1.    Main Point, Idea, or Issue:
2.    Supporting Information:
3.    Supporting Details or Data:

Body Paragraph
1.    Main Point, Idea, or Issue: health impact of factory farm workers
2.    Supporting Information: The polluted air of factory farm would lead the workers to chronic respiratory diseases.
3.    Supporting Details or Data: The documented source from cdc.gov shows the emission of several chemicals that would affect human health.

Body Paragraph
1.    Main Point, Idea, or Issue:
2.    Supporting Information:
3.    Supporting Details or Data:

Body Paragraph
1.    Main Point, Idea, or Issue: Inhumane treatments of animals should be banded among the U.S.
2.    Supporting Information:
3.    Supporting Details or Data: According to smartvoter.org, California has passed a law that bans inhumane treatment to farmed animals which it requires farmers to provide larger spaces for animals to meet their base needs such as turning and stretching.

Works to be Cited:

"Proposition 2: Standards for Confining Farm Animals - California State Government." smartvoter.org. League of Women Voters of California Education Fund, 24 Jan. 2009. Web. 13 May 2014. <http://www.smartvoter.org/2008/11/04/ca/state/prop/2/>.

Hribar, Carrie. "Understanding Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Their Impact on Communities."cdc.gov. National Association of Local Boards of Health, n.d. Web. 15 May 2014. <http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs/Docs/Understanding_CAFOs_NALBOH.pdf>.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Entry #9 Research Report

          In my research paper,  I'm going to write about factory farming and focus on the idea of animal welfare. The argument of the research paper will be that factory farmed animals should be treated humanely. I have found some related sources to support the argument which are about the health issues that factory farm workers are suffering and the antibiotics that remain in the meat which will ultimately goes to the body of the meat consumers. The main cause of these two problems are basically treating animals inhumanely. If the topic of animal welfare is approved, I'm going read the sources thoroughly and generate an outline for the research paper. One difficulty during the research process is to get use to the online library since it is the  first time for me to find sources through the library.

Lung problems of the diary farmers:


animal welfare, antibiotic




Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Entry #8 Midterm

What A Real Parent Should Do
Would you take your children to fast food restaurants of you have children? What are your reasons to do it if you already know what’s in the food and what the food would do to your children’s little bodies? It is hard for many people to avoid from eating fast food. However, it is the parent’s responsibility to control what their children eat, not the Fast Food Industry nor the U.S. government, since parents are the guardians of their children and they are the ones who really care about their children’s health. In this case, both Fast Food Industry and the U.S. government are considered outsiders. As we can see today, they have never done an effective action to control children from consuming unhealthy food.
            In the eyes of marketers Ray Kroc and Walt Disney, kid customers are highly welcomed to their businesses. In chapter 2 of “Fast Food Nation”, Schlosser mentions the advertising strategy of the two marketers which is called “cradle-to-grave”. This considered children as lifelong consumers, which the children would nag their parents or grandparents to the fast food restaurants after they watched the advertisements about fast food. Furthermore, these children may take their own children to fast food restaurants in the future, and the patter would go on and on. In other words, the parents are the ones who bring their children to fast food restaurants and feed themselves and their young children with unhealthy food. However, their children may learn from their parents and feed their next generation with unhealthy food as well. So, a simple action that the parents could take is to feed their children with healthy food. This could help children to develop a healthy eating habit and the influence may goes on to the next generation, and so on.
            The crazy marketers are targeting on children and attracting their attentions through “playgrounds, toys, cartoons…” and etc. it is time for parents to protect their lovely children from being brainwashed by the marketers! Being inexperienced children with young minds, most of them can’t even define what’s right or wrong thing to eat. And, that is why every child needs their parents to teach them and guide them to the correct eating habit which had previously been misdirected by the fast food marketers.
            As the matter of fact, our government and the giant Fast Food Industry do not really care about our young generation. Therefore, the responsibility goes to the parents. Since it is very hard to avoid advertisements to harm our young generation, the parents should do their best to keep their children away from fast food restaurants. In short, parents are the only people that their children can depend on; they definitely need the help and the guides to healthy eating habits.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Entry#7 "The Meatrix" Issue

Animal Welfare
            Being a human instinct, people keep the dog, the cat and other cute meek animals to be their pets; raise the rare and protected ones in the zoo to make sure they do not extinct or die out. Meanwhile, people ignore and feel indifference to the living condition of the factory farmed animals. Livestock and poultry that are raised in the factory farms desire better environment and humane treatment, since the poor living condition and inhumane treatment of these animals would ultimately affect the health of the meat consumers. As the matter of fact, in today’s world, the brutal scenes that ordinary people may never see are performing commonly in the American factory farms.
            The factory farms should provide larger living space for their animals in order to prevent from the spread of diseases. One big common to all factory farmed animals is that they all living in very narrow spaces with high density which they can’t even stretch or turn around their bodies. The terrible living conditions would cause serious leg problems on chicken and pig, and respiratory disease on cattle and etc. These diseases could easily lead to the death of the animals. To simply keep the animals alive (not cure), the factory farms treat the animals routinely with “pesticides and other unhealthy additives, and can be given hormones solely to increase productivity.” These drugs keep the animals alive while they are still suffering from the discomfort. When the animals are been slaughtered, the drug residues in the meat and the meat consumers would consequently eat the meat that contains the remaining drug. To fix the root cause of the drug residue, the factory farms must take action and proved better housing to the animals in order to increase of health of the animals and decrease to chance of eating meat that contains drug residue.
            To help the poor animals out, what we can do is to buy meat products that from local farms or just simply eat less meat. In short, same as living creatures with conscious, human should not treat other animals inhumanely specially to the ones that provide food and energy to the human being.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Entry#6: Brand Identification

What's on My Feet
         When I saw that there is an assignment on brand identification, I start to pay attention to my personal items. After I finished all my classes of the day, I looked around my house and I was a little bit surprised by the items I have own for now specially my shoes. As I walked through the entrance, I opened the large shoe cabinet which is made by my dad and started to look for my shoes. I took them out and reorganized them. However, it was the first time I realized that I may have to stop buying more shoes since there are already too many shoes for my two feet to wear.

          Time makes me to see a lot of interesting facts. I still remember how I was when I first came to the United States. It was five year ago, I was wearing a pair of white Nike shoes when I first steeped on this land and they were the only shoes I had at that time. I wore them, and walked through the hardest period of time I had in New York. It was about someone who has been challenged by the unknown world. The hard time had gone gradually. Meanwhile, more and more shoes were added to my dad’s handmade shoe cabinet. At the first, I bought Nike sneakers only, and then I started to have boots and high-heels etc.
          The change of the shoes I own demonstrates the changes I have made as a person. I never had a shopping plan when I go to a mall and the interesting thing I found is that I always add two to three pairs of new Nike sneakers to the shoe cabinet every year. Obviously, Nike is my favorite shoe brand and the most comfortable among all. I think I’m addicted to it. Furthermore, this makes me believe that no matter how I change, I am still who I am five years ago. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Entry#5: Chaper1-3 Summary and Response(Revision)

JingJing Lin
Professor Jason Smith
22 March 2014
Fast Food Chains and the Young Generation
            Children are the future of the world, but the victims of the fast food nation. As a matter of fact, the fast food companies target their business on the youth since most of their employees are teenagers, and kids are their major customers. The companies attract the eyes of kids through advertising and provide work chances to teenagers by lowering their requirement. The fast food companies gain huge profits by taking advantage of marketing on the young generation.
            In the eyes of the fast food marketers, kids are the most profitable customers of all. According to Ray Kroc and Walt Disney, a person starts to build his/her “brand loyalty”(Schlosser43) at the age of two, which is even before this person learns how to read his/her own name. In order to help kids develop their brand loyalty toward the fast food companies, big companies such as McDonald’s and Burger King have generated innumerable advertisements through “playgrounds, toys, cartoons, movies, videos, charities, and amusement parks, through contests, sweepstakes, games, and clubs, via television, radio, magazines, and the internet.”(Schlosser51) However, it is impossible for young kids to ignore the existence of the advertisements and the information that the advertisements give to them; therefore, the innocent kids are “brainwashed” by the companies and are going to start buying products from these companies. Since the kids are still kids, they will now nag their parents to buy these products for them and in the future the kids might buy the products over and over again to feed themselves and moreover, to feed their own kids and so on.
            Today’s fast food companies would not run properly without the participation of teenager workers. In other words, the teenage worker is a very important component of the fast food companies. The teenage workers are hired since the companies updated their service system in which “the management no longer depends upon the talents or skills of its workers—those things are built into the operating system and machines.”(Schlosser70) The change helped the fast food companies to save lots of money for maintaining their stores, because it avoids the need of skilled workers who were paid with higher wages and gives many work opportunities to the teenagers. The teenagers are unskilled and inexperienced, thus they would like to accept lower wages. However, many teens are unsatisfied with their wages and then leave for better paying jobs. For this reason, the staff resignation rates among the companies are always high, but it seems not to be a problem to the managers since the works are “de-skilled”(Schlosser70) and the workers can be replaced by others easily.
            Most American kids somehow have experiences with the fast food companies. They may be the customers or the employees. Tons of advertisements are used by the fast food companies to grab the attention of minor kids and bring up their brand loyalty. De-skilled and low-paid work opportunities are provided to the inexperienced teenagers. The fast food companies have certainly made the best use of our inexperienced young generation. In short, all the benefits go to the fast food companies. On the other side, the kid customers being fed with junk food. Moreover, on the side of the teenage workers, they are being paid with wages that are even lower than the required minimum wage. To protect our young generation from the fast food companies, people must do their best to feed our kids with healthy food, and fight for the rights of teenagers so the teens can receive the wages that they deserve to have.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Entry# 4 "Your Trusted Friends" Summary

         This chapter mainly talks about the backgrounds and selling methods of Ray A. Kroc and Walt Disney. They have many commons in their early years of life. Kroc and Disney were both from Illinois; both dropped out from high school and have participated WWI together. These two business men thought that kids are the best long-term customers. These kids will now nag their parents or grandparent to McDonald's or Disneyland and in the future the kids are going to take their own kids to these places and so on. Disney’s business has gone well earlier than Kroc’s. However, they were both remarkable business men in the American history.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Entry#3: Summarizing Arguments

            In the first chapter of the book “Fast Food Nation”, its author Eric Schlosser mentions the founding fathers for the fast food chain. A man named Carl N. Karcher was one of the founding fathers. He dropped out from school in his early years of life and later followed his uncle to Anaheim, California for a new life. Eric Schlosser describes how Carl felt when he first came to the new land, “This is heaven,” he said after he saw the orange plantation and smelled the fresh air. Carl became rich by selling hot dogs in hot dogs carts and later owned hundreds of restaurants. The first Disneyland and McDonald’s were set near Carl’s first restaurant. When McDonald’s came out with a new self-service system, Carl did a copy of it and it was successful. As the town was developing, the environment changed and the same air never came back again. The plantation and the air symbolized how Anaheim was before the fast food era started. When more and more people migrate here, the “heaven” that Carl was in, disappeared.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Entry #2: Dinner— The major interaction between me and my family

            Followed by the fast pace life in New York, many families only cook once or twice a day and some families dont even cook. In my family, my mom prepare dinner every night and sometimes breakfast. Since my mom cook dinner every night, eating it together had become the most important daily event for my family members. However, thats the only chance for my entire family members to sit together and chat for a while, even though there are only four of us.

  My mom goes to the Chinese supermarket twice a week. Every time she will buy things that can almost fill up the shopping cart and these things will finally become our family dinner. She didn't work outside so she got lots of time to prepare the dinner. However, for our dinner, we mostly have four dishes and they are changing each day. As a common Chinese family we always eat rice among the dishes. The four dishes will always include one seafood, one vegetable, one meat and a soup. The meals are very healthy, plus she only add a little bit of salt and no MSG at all. Not like the people in the restaurants, she's not a outsider so she knows what to add to the food!
Since my mom always cook tasty and healthy food at home, I don’t really like to eat outside only if I need to. Anyway, nothing will be greater than the homemade food. Compare to the family who always eat outside in the restaurants and who always eat unhealthy fast food, I think I’m in the heaven now.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Entry#1: Is America's Food Supply Safe?

         Eating fast food instead of eating healthy meal is now very normal to the Americans. Fast food is fast, easy and mostly safe to eat. People who work for the Food and Drug Administration help our community to ensure the safety of fast food. As the article " Is American's Food Supply Safe?" mentions, the F.D.A.set many offices around the country. And, trying their best to solve incoming problems and prevent potential risks. They are also working at the country border to keep unsafe food outside of the America, teaching our people how to store food in a safe way.
         It is very important to have the F.D.A. working for us and protect most of our people from eating unsafe food. However, the book "Fast Food Nation" illustrates a mistake of the fast food system. The mistake caused a young mom to loose her little son. The son was died in few days after he ate a burger. Which the hospital find out that there were harmful E. coli in the burger he ate. E. Coli is a type of bacteria that could risk the life of people who have a weak immune system. It's a very sad fact the really happened and it shows that the F.D.A. doesn't work well all the time. But still, after they find out the problem, they make the meat company to call back the problem products as much as they could from the entire country. And finally end the disaster.
         Even though the F.D.A. is not as perfect as it should be, but we have to have it and we definitely need it. Since there could be many more cases happening in the country if there is F.D.A. in the community.