Thursday, May 1, 2014

Entry #9 Research Report

          In my research paper,  I'm going to write about factory farming and focus on the idea of animal welfare. The argument of the research paper will be that factory farmed animals should be treated humanely. I have found some related sources to support the argument which are about the health issues that factory farm workers are suffering and the antibiotics that remain in the meat which will ultimately goes to the body of the meat consumers. The main cause of these two problems are basically treating animals inhumanely. If the topic of animal welfare is approved, I'm going read the sources thoroughly and generate an outline for the research paper. One difficulty during the research process is to get use to the online library since it is the  first time for me to find sources through the library.

Lung problems of the diary farmers:

animal welfare, antibiotic


  1. Cool. Though it looks like you may have a "animal and human welfare" thing going on.

  2. Your topic is surely interesting and it's one of the most popular about the fast food industry. Well narrowed with a good claim.

  3. I like this topic! I see it as a subject that needs extensive research and I'd like to see what you come up with.

  4. Good topic ! although you should mention what exactly do you mean as "humanly" .It will clear a lot of confusion .

  5. interesting topic I can wait to read your paper.
