Monday, March 24, 2014

Entry#5: Chaper1-3 Summary and Response(Revision)

JingJing Lin
Professor Jason Smith
22 March 2014
Fast Food Chains and the Young Generation
            Children are the future of the world, but the victims of the fast food nation. As a matter of fact, the fast food companies target their business on the youth since most of their employees are teenagers, and kids are their major customers. The companies attract the eyes of kids through advertising and provide work chances to teenagers by lowering their requirement. The fast food companies gain huge profits by taking advantage of marketing on the young generation.
            In the eyes of the fast food marketers, kids are the most profitable customers of all. According to Ray Kroc and Walt Disney, a person starts to build his/her “brand loyalty”(Schlosser43) at the age of two, which is even before this person learns how to read his/her own name. In order to help kids develop their brand loyalty toward the fast food companies, big companies such as McDonald’s and Burger King have generated innumerable advertisements through “playgrounds, toys, cartoons, movies, videos, charities, and amusement parks, through contests, sweepstakes, games, and clubs, via television, radio, magazines, and the internet.”(Schlosser51) However, it is impossible for young kids to ignore the existence of the advertisements and the information that the advertisements give to them; therefore, the innocent kids are “brainwashed” by the companies and are going to start buying products from these companies. Since the kids are still kids, they will now nag their parents to buy these products for them and in the future the kids might buy the products over and over again to feed themselves and moreover, to feed their own kids and so on.
            Today’s fast food companies would not run properly without the participation of teenager workers. In other words, the teenage worker is a very important component of the fast food companies. The teenage workers are hired since the companies updated their service system in which “the management no longer depends upon the talents or skills of its workers—those things are built into the operating system and machines.”(Schlosser70) The change helped the fast food companies to save lots of money for maintaining their stores, because it avoids the need of skilled workers who were paid with higher wages and gives many work opportunities to the teenagers. The teenagers are unskilled and inexperienced, thus they would like to accept lower wages. However, many teens are unsatisfied with their wages and then leave for better paying jobs. For this reason, the staff resignation rates among the companies are always high, but it seems not to be a problem to the managers since the works are “de-skilled”(Schlosser70) and the workers can be replaced by others easily.
            Most American kids somehow have experiences with the fast food companies. They may be the customers or the employees. Tons of advertisements are used by the fast food companies to grab the attention of minor kids and bring up their brand loyalty. De-skilled and low-paid work opportunities are provided to the inexperienced teenagers. The fast food companies have certainly made the best use of our inexperienced young generation. In short, all the benefits go to the fast food companies. On the other side, the kid customers being fed with junk food. Moreover, on the side of the teenage workers, they are being paid with wages that are even lower than the required minimum wage. To protect our young generation from the fast food companies, people must do their best to feed our kids with healthy food, and fight for the rights of teenagers so the teens can receive the wages that they deserve to have.

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