Sunday, April 6, 2014

Entry#7 "The Meatrix" Issue

Animal Welfare
            Being a human instinct, people keep the dog, the cat and other cute meek animals to be their pets; raise the rare and protected ones in the zoo to make sure they do not extinct or die out. Meanwhile, people ignore and feel indifference to the living condition of the factory farmed animals. Livestock and poultry that are raised in the factory farms desire better environment and humane treatment, since the poor living condition and inhumane treatment of these animals would ultimately affect the health of the meat consumers. As the matter of fact, in today’s world, the brutal scenes that ordinary people may never see are performing commonly in the American factory farms.
            The factory farms should provide larger living space for their animals in order to prevent from the spread of diseases. One big common to all factory farmed animals is that they all living in very narrow spaces with high density which they can’t even stretch or turn around their bodies. The terrible living conditions would cause serious leg problems on chicken and pig, and respiratory disease on cattle and etc. These diseases could easily lead to the death of the animals. To simply keep the animals alive (not cure), the factory farms treat the animals routinely with “pesticides and other unhealthy additives, and can be given hormones solely to increase productivity.” These drugs keep the animals alive while they are still suffering from the discomfort. When the animals are been slaughtered, the drug residues in the meat and the meat consumers would consequently eat the meat that contains the remaining drug. To fix the root cause of the drug residue, the factory farms must take action and proved better housing to the animals in order to increase of health of the animals and decrease to chance of eating meat that contains drug residue.
            To help the poor animals out, what we can do is to buy meat products that from local farms or just simply eat less meat. In short, same as living creatures with conscious, human should not treat other animals inhumanely specially to the ones that provide food and energy to the human being.

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